Hypertension is a condition in which the pressure or force in which blood is pumped through the heart is high. This condition is also known as the “silent killer” as there are rarely any symptoms or warning signs that the blood pressure is high and thus, people can live with it for a long time before they are diagnosed with it.
In some people, if the pressure is too high, the sufferer can experience a headache and a bit of dizziness. If this condition is left untreated over time, it can lead to stroke or heart attack amongst other diseases. Below are some research findings to that effect:
- Research shows that 1 in 3 South Africans suffers from hypertension and that approximately 6,3 million are living with this condition.
- It has also been found that over 130 heart attacks and 240 strokes occur daily in our country.
- The statistics look gloomy – I know, but here is the good news: hypertension is a preventable and treatable condition.
- According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa, 80% of heart diseases may be prevented through lifestyle adjustments. Here are a few note-worthy tips to consider:
Blood Pressure Monitoring
How is blood pressure measured?
Blood pressure is made up of two readings i.e. systolic blood pressure which occurs when the heart contracts and diastolic which occurs when the heart relaxes between heartbeats. It is imperative to constantly monitor one’s blood pressure to keep it in perfect check at 120/80mmhg.
Healthy Food Choices
- Eat a healthy and balanced diet focusing on small portions at regular intervals.
- Reduce salt intake by avoiding stock tubes, salty snacks, processed meats and fast foods, as much as possible.
- Avoid saturated fat particularly in processed meat, chicken skin, full-cream products, pastries, pies, deep-fried potatoes or slap chips.
- Eat fatty fish like sardines, pilchard, and salmon at least twice a week, as these are high in Omega3 which may help in lowering cholesterol.
- Avoid Alcohol or reduce intake to no more than one drink a day for women and two glasses for men.
- Quit smoking and avoid second-hand smoke
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes, 4-5times a week.
Pharmacological Treatment
Various medications are available on prescription if your blood pressure remains high even after you’ve made lifestyle changes. If your condition has progressed and you should start taking the medication, you must remain compliant and take your medication daily as recommended. Your doctor may need to adjust your doses or medication from time to time, hence the need to adhere to your regular checkup schedules.
Whether you’re looking into monitoring your blood pressure or to effectively manage an existing condition, we can help. Give us a call or visit one of our pharmacies and discuss your options with our friendly healthcare professionals.